Wednesday 9 November 2022

Tutorial Monday7th November: mysterious machines


This is the frame for "Me Story" - not the actual name, but a working title. I haven't made enough bits or done them correctly, but it will do for now.

This is one of the things that I showed N. Kidd in our tutorial today. I think it's safe to say that she wasn't as impressed as I was with the product or the project. This is always a bit worrying, especially when a previous tutorial with a different tutor has been very positive. 

But it gives you food for thought and after all that's the point of these sessions. Also I was very tired for this session so I'm not sure if I articulated what I was hoping to do as clearly as I could have done. Still Natasha gave me some interesting stuff to reflect on: "What was/is the story?", "How will people encounter this - where will it be situated - who is my audience?", "How will people encounter the story (and why should they care?)?", "Is it fact or fiction?". All of these are valid and indeed pertinent questions to ask. The biggest one, and one that I can't think my way out of at the moment is "Why should they care?". I don't know. Quite possibly it's self indulgent, but then a lot of art is.

The second major area in the critical was looking at my A.I. generated images of arcade machines. Almost every tutor has got excited about the picture of the machine below:

Generated a few weeks ago by Dawn AI, this image is mysterious as there's no obvious function. I'm trying to recall the text I used to generate it, but I fear it's lost forever. Natasha challenged me to come up with an operation and make it. Her parting words:

"You're a tinkerer really"

My Mum used to call be a a tinker. I like that.

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