Wednesday 22 April 2020

Serene, we rejoice in clean air and empty streets.

Piece done for The Broken Church  Creative Days project. "Each day for 50 days (Easter to Pentecost) there will be a new creation in response to the previous days creation. Each creator only see’s what they are responding too when it goes live here…" I had to react to an Imaginary Landscape by Ange Drozfrom who had done day 10. You have from the time it appears to the following late afternoon to react. Of course, I forgot all about it until about three in the afternoon, or to be more precise, I had a rough idea in the morning but didn't sit down in front of the white sheet of paper until three...


The image is drawn with, as usual, Derwent Inktense water colour pencils, which are hydrated and then an eraser is used to get rid of the outlining pencil and any unhydrated Inktense. On this occasion I also went over with traditional watercolour - time was running short. 
I had intended to also strengthen and detail the lines with blue ink, but I ran out of time. Maybe I'll do that later; but on the whole I'm not too distressed at the submitted image. 


"Serene, we rejoice in clean air and empty streets." is a longer title. I wanted to reflect on the fact that on the whole I'm enjoying this time. I don't mind queuing for 15 mins for an emptyish supermarket, I like the fact the roads are clear and you can breath. I had to go to the Doctor today for a blood test - it's on the other side of town. I drove back the long way, usual very busy and, so I'm told, some of the worst polluted air in the UK. Today, no traffic, fast journey, sunshine. Good to be alive. 


Maybe I'll draw the details in. I'm not sure it needs it. The image is scanned however, so the version here won't be totally lost. Next time I'll draw it bigger and probably take more time to work out a correct perspective. I'll also pay more attention to the scale.
Colours are OK, using real watercolour again, instead of watercolour pencil or acrylic paint has reminded me that I'm in control here and the colours are better than the pencils on the whole. 
I need to pay more attention to the figures. They were alright but they were rushed and didn't quite work.I should have done more sky.

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