A large pillar covered in minute highly coloured plants and animals is present in the middle of a mirrored room, occasionally the pillar spins and strobe ultra violet lights illuminate it. At that point the 3D printed pillar comes alive along with the room. The room is for a short time converted into a walk-in zoetrope. |
Not sure what this is titled yet, nor any of the others for that matter. The theme is privacy. Viewers move into a room/box that has plaster walls. Through holes made in the walls, interesting metallic creatures can be seen. These creatures will make holes in the wall if the viewer shares some private information with them. The reward for sharing your info is to see more of them and behind them, other people's info. |
Decrepit fairground. Setting for various automata inspired by fairground side shows. Also contains the only Ghost train where you might die.
Dark space version one. This relies on proper selection of materials. There are human shapes in a large darkened room Because they are realised in stealth materials they are invisible from outside. An audience will only realise their existence by encountering them, for which they will have to move carefully. |
Dark space version two. This relies on proper selection of materials. There are human shapes on a large black(?) square. Because they are realised in stealth materials and a minor optical illusion is incorporated, they are invisible from outside the square. An audience will only realise their existence by encountering them.
Escape the lockdown, spend time inside an escape pod. Or have a short break (3 mins to be exact) as all senses are stimulated. |
Two images here. Neither fully worked out. Top one is a Fairground side show of a haunted house. Difference. This one is actually scary if I can get it to work.
Sky peepshow, this has been put up before, but this is a better scan.
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