IMPORTANT: If you find an error, please let me know!!
How it works
You are setting up a file where you want the Lasercutter to carve or cut out shapes.You are using the Lasercutter because it's:
- Repeatable
- Quick
- Accurate
- Cuts finer than you can with a Knife.
The Illustration.
Draw the picture. Use any tool you like - Photoshop, Illustrator, black ink on white paper.
In your drawing the white areas are areas that will cut out, the black areas will stay.
When you are drawing, remember that areas of black surrounded by white will fall out, so if they are to stay you will need to provide some support.
Open in Photoshop
Make sure that it's the size you want and the resolution is at least 300ppi. 1200 will be too much.
Notice I've checked the "Use Legacy" box. This means it will be just black and white.
Convert to greyscale. This last step may not be necessary - you are aiming for pure black and white and it may help.
Photoshop is the easiest place to do this.
Open Illustrator
View the image on the screen while you adjust the sliders. You are aiming for the smallest number of corners and paths that will still give you the image you require.
When you are happy, close the trace image window.
Select Expand.
You should have clear paths. That is where the cutter will cut.