Have been selected for a small exhibition at the 2016 Greenbelt Festival. I'm going to be updating and showing the Mechanisms thing again. This was last shown in Bath at the Fringe festival, so this is another chance to get them out. last time there were quite a number of ceramic bugs - this time it will be mainly other materials.

I spent some time this morning using the photo to try and work out the dimensions that were missing from the proposal. All of my stuff will be inside I expect - it's quite small and delicate and some bit - if I can get them to work- will need gloom if not darkness. The other thing I will need is power and there isn't any of that things will have to be run on batteries - or not at all.

The first is a conventional gallery. I will mount the boxes on the picture rail supplied. I can't remember how many boxes I already have - there's several - nor the sizes, but I've assumed nothing at this point just so I can get some idea of costing.
The images would either m the top row OR the bottom row - not both. That would be eight 40 x40mm boxes, or 11 30 by 30. Possibly one on either side of the door, plus explanatory cards that I have already. Rough total cost around £100. That's using off-theshelf frames - but I could do with them being deeper.

The second version buys in Ivar parts from Ikea. This versatile wooden shelving system can be pushed into making a quick set up if the floor is flat. If it's rough - and we don't know yet then it's going to be a pain.
Costs for this, if we have to buy it all would be around £300, but actually it would be cheaper since I already own a number of the parts. For stability, I'd need corner shelves like those seen here. These are quite expensive at £26.
Finally, now I have a picture in my head of the size I can look at alternatives. Other shelving systems for example and also the content of the show.
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