Ruth has had serious mental health issues, I have depression. Early on in our relationship we were talking and the conversation went along the lines of "I wish that at that point I had..." The real point is, of course, that we are no longer at that point. Rather we are at where ever we are.
Hence the Snakes and Ladders board. Doesn't matter in some ways if it's a snake or a ladder, you have to start at the square that you are on - or where the inevitableness of the situation is going to take you.
Why I am doing this.
Two years ago I started doing an illustrated book on our experiences, combined with those of other people. It was based on a small showing of pictures that I had done in Bath's annual Fringe Arts Bath (FaB) show. But last year it stalled. I could tell it was going nowhere and I had to regroup. The ideas were still good but there was no focus. I tried a comic book narrative. Then a week ago it went full circle, a board game is often similar in layout to a comic book and I already had a board game in mind.
Stuff I've found
In no particular order here are some images and links that I've found. Interestingly, it appears it's not the first time that someone has used the game as a metaphor for life. In course of looking at images I found this: "The timelessness of Snakes and Ladders" by Doug Bierend, which looks at the moral issues behind the game.
Here's a description of the game, just in gaming terms. I did a board where you could decide between a snake, several snakes or a snake or a ladder. Ruth said that defeated the purpose. I think it makes it more like real life as you have to look ahead and and balance the risks either way.
Several sites, like this one, use the game as an entry to coding. here's another version from DataGenetics.
Sandra Dodd writes a history of Snakes and Ladders from an American perspective, where it is known as Chutes and Ladders.
Of course some motivational speaker has to get his oar in...
Here's a version of the game based on the journey of two people using trains. It's in a games museum here. They have many other variations.
This is an Indian version, used to teach morality and the effects of vice. A destiny over which you had little control. Note the ladders all go to a heaven of sorts. Wikipedia had a full article form which this was taken.
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Vintage version on an antique dealers website.

Can't find an attribution for this one...
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Australian, 1901, teaching virtue and the sadness of ignoring good advice. Snakes and Ladders of 1901 provides an old-fashioned moral view. Players slide down the snakes of anger, pride, depravity and vanity while they climb the ladders of forgiveness, penitence, pity and faith. Found in Australian National Archive.
This is from the blog of another Steve, who recounts his encounter with the game. Looking at the game and the blog it struck me that the counterpoint to the snake you've just fallen down should be the next ladder.

Modern morality and health advice.

Here it is used by Hisperian to illustrate the disposal of toxic waste.

Finally a person sized version.
My childhood board had morality annotations . I can distinctly remember Pride and Fall was the longest snake. I can find some images of a long Pride snake on a board, but not one showing the bottom box as Fall. Any clues ?