Monday, 7 December 2015

Colouring nearly done.

Four hours gone and I have painted the rocks and 245 carrot noses. There's still some pencil shading to be done and a look by the cool light of day for bits I've missed. The major elements to be done are a sky; which I'll paint separately and drop in, and I will hue shift the brown mountains to an indigo blue colour.
Right now I could go on all night, but common sense says "Quit while you're ahead"

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Ink and colour tests.

Tried a number of different blues/pens. None of them gave exactly what I was looking for - a waterproof blue. Also tried pencils but not happy with finish. Considered drawing in brown then doing a hue shift. But that would rule out paint. However I have done a hue shift in another posting.

Us. Including cat.

Of course we're here. Although Ruth looks like she's got a beard. That will need to be fixed in post production.

This isn't the finished version, just a quick fix. You can see the hue shift working for the background. The brown has been changed to blue. I thought this worked rather well. 

Christmas cards cometh...

That's nearly all the drawing down. Quicker than last year, only two days down there at the moment, but the colour and digital work still to come.

This is just a bit.